sakit dada: costochondritis

sejak 3 hari lepas, dada aku terasa padat..penuh..hinggakan nak bernafas pun kena tarik nafas panjang2. Nak kena sakit dada lagi ker?? mcm hari tu..sakit dada di sebabkan 'radang tulang rusuk'../ costochondritis.

Costochondritis Pain Relief

Costochondritis is a painful condition.
Costochondritis is a painful condition.
Costochondritis, an inflammation where the sternum and ribs are connected by a rubbery cartilage, is a painful condition, often mistaken for a heart attack. While the cause of most cases are still a mystery to doctors, treatments are focused on helping minimize the pain while the problem heals itself (usually within a week or two). While your doctor may prescribe medicine to assist in pain relief, here are some simple tips to help the healing process. See your doctor if you're experiencing chest pain as it could indicate a serious medical condition.

Read more: Costochondritis Pain Relief | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/way_5150972_costochondritis-pain-relief.html#ixzz15DOreVwQ


  • Take a break from the activities that are increasing the pain. This may seem common sense but its advice that is often ignored. Allowing your body to rest from painful activities can decrease the time necessary to heal.

  • Read more: Costochondritis Pain Relief | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/way_5150972_costochondritis-pain-relief.html#ixzz15DP6E6Bo


  • Although this seems counteractive to resting, doing mild forms of exercise will help your body stay healthy and boost your spirits. The staff at the Mayo Clinic suggest picking an exercise that is mild such as swimming or walking. If certain forms of exercise are painful, then discontinue doing them and find something else to fill its place.

  • Read more: Costochondritis Pain Relief | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/way_5150972_costochondritis-pain-relief.html#ixzz15DPE2uBE


  • Heat can speed up the healing process and help decrease your pain. Set your heating pad to a lower setting an

  •  apply it several times a day to the source of the pain.

  • Read more: Costochondritis Pain Relief | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/way_5150972_costochondritis-pain-relief.html#ixzz15DPKwNPV

    p/s: copy paste..thank you http://www.eHow.com

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